Menopause 101

Know Your Menopause Better!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is menopause?

What are the changes I’m likely to experience during perimenopause leading up to menopause?

When will I get menopause?

What are some tests that can help me understand if I am menopausal?

Is weight gain common during menopause?

What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and how safe is it?

Is HRT the only solution for my menopause issues?

What should I eat if I am menopausal?

What role can exercise play in symptom allevationt during menopause?

My uterus has been removed (hysterectomy) and I am not experiencing menstrual bleeding anymore. Can I still experience menopause symptoms?

What are some tests that I should get done regularly during menopause / midlife?